10 Signs You Have Found Your Perfect Boyfriend

10 Signs You Have Found Your Perfect Boyfriend

While every woman has a different definition of what her “perfect” guy would be, these are 10 signs to indicate that your boyfriend is for keeps.

1. He is interesting.

Life is too short to be thinking of other things when he is talking. Whatever his interests and passions, he is exciting and fun to be around. In fact, he will introduce you to a side of life that you haven’t seen before. I know someone who had never parasailed, driven a motorbike or been to an opera before she met her boyfriend.

2. He makes you a better person.

You are already amazing, but being with him brings out the best in you. It’s like having a personal male cheerleader! Your strengths are further amplified, and you think life just can’t get any better.

3. He makes you feel beautiful.

You don’t have to be Scarlet Johansson or Angelina Jolie to feel pretty. When you are with him, you feel like the most attractive woman on Earth. He treats you like his princess, and rightfully so.

4. He expresses his love.

He’s pretty much on top of his game when it comes to sweeping you off your feet, yet again. True to his own style, sometimes that can mean preparing a home cooked meal, surprising you at the airport or simply saying “I love you.

5. He is honest.

Forget the yes-man and people-pleaser. Truth is the foundation of a robust and lasting relationship. It saves you from unnecessary misunderstandings and helps build trust quickly.

6. He makes every effort to wipe away your tears.

You happiness is of utmost importance to him. In your moments of downtime, he tries to be funny, sexy or Superman, or pretty much anything that will bring a smile on your face.

7. He appreciates who you are.

You are unique and wonderful in your own way. Whether you wake up the neighborhood with your bathroom singing or like solving Sudoku puzzles in the middle of the night, he accepts you exactly the way you are. He doesn’t want to change anything about you.

8. He keeps his promises.

It can be extremely annoying when a guy insists that he will do something, but never gets around to do it. A true gentleman doesn’t backtrack on his words, but walks the talk. You rest assured that he only makes commitments that he intends to keep.

9. He stands by you.

He may not agree with your every decision, but supports the choices you make. He is there for you in success and in failure, in health and in sickness, in laughter and in tears.

 10. He is not a control freak.

Watch out for the guy who is overly generous about “constructive criticism,” has unrealistic expectations and wants to micromanage you. Who wants Hitler as a partner? Experiencing freedom in a relationship is not too much to ask for.

Remember that perfection doesn’t exist, but there is someone imperfectly perfect out there for you. And I hope that all you remarkable women find The One and end up marrying him — just like me.

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